My name is Farhan Farah Ali, and I completed my secondary school studies at Sheikh Bashier Secondary School in Burao, Togdheer region of Somaliland during the 2010-2011 academic year, achieving A grade in every subject.

Education was my beacon of hope, the one thing I believed could change my life and my family's lives. After receiving my secondary school results, I faced the daunting challenge of pursuing higher education without the financial means to do so. My family lived in a rural area, and though my aunt had supported me through elementary school, she needed to focus on her grandchildren. I didn't want to be a burden on anyone, so I considered finding a job to cover my expenses or seeking part-time work while continuing my studies. Just when the path ahead seemed uncertain, I received a life-changing phone call from Professor Eid Ali Ahmed, representing the Darlington Foundation. He congratulated me on being awarded a scholarship that would cover all my educational costs, including books and tuition, and encouraged me to enroll at any university in Burao. That night, it felt as though a light had appeared at the end of the tunnel—my dream was revived, thanks to the Darlington Foundation. I enrolled at Burao University, where I pursued a degree in Business Administration with a focus on accounting. I graduated in 2015, ranking first in my class and second overall at the university. My professional journey began at Somaliland Beverage Industries “a Coca-Cola franchise in Somaliland”, where I worked as a sales manager for four years, covering various locations including Hargeisa, Burao, Erigavo, Bossaso, and Garowe. Currently, I serve as the regional sales manager for Burn Manufacturing Company in Somaliland and Puntland. Burn Manufacturing designs, produces and distributes Africa's best-selling, fuel efficient biomass, electric, hybrid and liquid fuel cooking appliances and save money for low-income families, making a meaningful impact in the community and the environment.

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